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Mario Kart PC Forum

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Category Topics nb Last message
International forum
The current forum is mainly used by French people. So if you are not French, this category is for you: its aim is to allow communication between people from every country. You can talk about everything on it, the only rule is: write in English!
5On 2025-03-16 at 12:06:20
Official topics
In this section you will find all the official information of Mario Kart PC. Read these topics before posting any message on the forum.
Announcements and presentations
In this section, you can put announces directly related (or not) to MKPC: such as news, events, self-presentations, departures or returns
1On 2024-10-25 at 16:39:03
The game
This sections concerns everything exclusively related to MKPC : tournaments, newly created circuits, suggestions for improvements
2On 2025-03-16 at 11:55:38
Various discussions
Here, talk about what you want that has no direct relation MKPC. Mini-fic, video games, puzzles ... Everything is possible!

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