/| Mario Kart PC |\

Leaderboard Mario Kart PC

VS modeBattle mode


Place Username Score
1st fr GL_Urban 94357
2nd fr Senko 73976
3rd fr Wargor 30558
4th fr Timothe 8859
5th us AMPstin 6739
6th au fartnugget 6013
7th it yeitsthewrongsite 5752
8th us wacky101jacky 5749
9th us CJ 5246
10th es Choaler56891 5244
11th au Trump 5139
12th es Caxrt89 5133
13th es Foial45 5110
14th au nizzaBalls24 5082
15th au nuggetfart 5062
16th au Trumpy 4979
17th es 80 4978
18th au nizzaBells23 4978
19th br trioas 4978
20th us EnglishKlass43 4965
Page : 1 

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